Just Start, Take Action, Embrace Uncertainty, Create the Future by Leonard A Schlesinger & Charles F Kiefer with Paul B Brown.
How to succeed at work and life-in an increasingly unpredictable world.
Seems bigger our organizations grow the longer we spend jawboning issues. Authors stress importance of getting started and grow/evolve as you go. Predicting success is getting more and more difficult, but we all have to do it whether we are President, Manager, or just starting in the world of business.
Three authors have very different backgrounds…and perspectives. They researched but also studied proven methods of others.
Good chapter on what to do when you can’t predict the future. Then identifying your acceptable loss. How to bring others along. When to predict and when to create…and how.
I really enjoyed chapters on how to use this with family and friends. (Can’t speak for you, but I have never been very good at predicting how kids and grand kids are going to react to something new. I can’t predict, but it is always an interesting experience!) Book definitely helped me get better handle on how to deal in more positive fashion to guide their direction...at least some of the time.
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