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Your Career Package

This is written for people who take charge of their careers.

Read through the following. Use what you want. It is presented in reverse order. The majority of candidates immediately think about their resume.


Top 20% of candidates send a career package, not just a resume.



You want an employer to read your information and immediately call you.


Too many Corporate Executives and property Hoteliers rely on brand names and corporate names to open doors for them. Eventually, that works to find jobs, but not for the best career opportunities.


When was the last time you really thought about your career?

Most of us think about our careers shortly after we are laid off or have become totally frustrated with our jobs. Few when they feel they have outgrown the position.

Last few years the markets for people have totally changed.  Usually, a new management company comes in, and most times the new management company lays off people so they can bring in their own team. That means the majority of us will never work for one company for long. Pension plans are out the window.


Retirement is really a new career. Whether it’s golf, volunteering, traveling, writing a book, etc The opportunity to do what we want with the rest of our life. You want to have the financial resources to enjoy this new career. That means you need to carefully plan your current career to make sure you have the resources for your next career…even if you don’t know what it is yet.


Your Key Accomplishments have to be presented better than your peers. You want employers to call you and ask “How did you do that?” Then they will start asking you questions that tell you what their challenges are. They’ll start tipping their hand so you can decide whether their challenges match your skill set and goals.


Send Supplemental Information to support your resume. We recommend Management Style & Goals (enclosed.) In your resume include links to the website of hotels you worked at and the companies you worked for.  A link to your LinkedIn Profile.

(Make sure your LinkedIn Profile is complete and has a couple of articles you have written or articles you like and have featured.)


Include 1-2 pages of supplemental information with your resume. Either the above or something else. No more. If your resume has several links, employers can open links that are most important to them.


This package includes:


            Sample Resume Each quarter we study resumes of candidates who have interviewed and received job offers. Their resumes worked.


            Management Style & Goals


            How about Cover Letter? Use only if it is customized for the specific position. Generic Cover Letters tell employers you are looking for a job, not a career opportunity. You’ve just insulted the employer by telling them they were not worth any extra effort on your part.

Reference List that Sells You


          Career Empowerment Plan Tips to consider.


These are tools to assist you. Use only what you want.




Your Career Empowerment Plan

Each of us needs a plan to empower our careers. Its purpose is to keep us on track as we go through the job search process. Its goal is to make sure we reach the goals we have set.


Securemploy and search/placement companies are but two parts of Your Career Empowerment Plan.


The FIVE parts of a Career Empowerment Plan are:


  • (1) The Planning Process

A simple one-page statement of your goals, both personally and professionally for the next several years. Management Style and Goals are the 14 most frequently asked telephone interview questions. Give employers an introduction into how you operate and what your career aspirations are. Management Style and Goals


  • (2) A dynamic hard hitting Resume Package including:

    1. A Resume that stands out from the crowd and gets employers excited. Sample Resume

    2. A Cover Letter that appears to be written for each employer. Sample Cover Letter

    3. A Reference List that sells (instead of just listing names & phone numbers). Sample Reference List


Review Checking Your Own References and Work Reference Questions to Ask.


The length, and how you format your resume needs to change to reflect current market conditions. Employers tell us they need solid, factual information on a candidate before they will invest the time to make a phone call, pay for interview trips, relocation expenses, etc. Prospective employers do not have the time to call every person that sends in a resume. That means the old fashioned 1-2 page resumes that resume writing books and resume writing services are pushing, is all wrong. (The only time those resumes are effective is for jobs within commuting distance of your home or when your career is just starting out, or if your salary is above $400,000.) Long resumes, that highlight concrete accomplishments, are generating more interviews.


Your objective needs to be specific. Your objective, experience, and professional affiliations all need to sell you. A dynamic resume starts a mindset in prospective employers that says This person can really help us. We need to impress this candidate. We may have to pay this person a little more than we planned on, but it sure appears this person will be worth it' That's the mindset you want to create before they pick up the phone to call you.


  • (3) Your Marketing Plan to include:

  1. Working your own network of contacts.

  2. Utilizing Executive Search firms, social business networking sites, and other professional organizations you belong to.

  3. A plan to expand your network of contacts, including peers, business and professional associations, and charitable organizations. Any that will put you in touch with people who understand your career and can provide leads or ideas. (This is very critical if you are currently without a job.)

  4. Participate in Internet Blogs and Forums related to your career. Can't find ones that fit you? Create them.

  • (4) Researching Companies

Before you interview, try to research the company, to find out exactly what they are looking for in a candidate. The Internet can be a great help here. If you can't find information on the company, remember the following: all companies want people who can help them improve revenues, reduce costs, improve customer service and training, and reduce turnover.

  • (5) Prepare for Your Interview

Write down the most logical questions you think they will ask and then rehearse your answers in front of a mirror. Many people conduct interviews and hire people all the time. They forget that it is different when they are on the other side of the desk.
Review Interviewing Tips

Last, plan what you are going to wear and how you are going to look. The business world is still very conservative, plan accordingly.

The Job Market Is There...
Give It What It Is Looking For... YOU!







Sample Resume


Notice this sample has lots of white space (lines between text.) The majority of employers spend less than 20 seconds on a resume first time through.


You want your accomplishments to be brief (no more than 3 lines) and spaced so they jump off the page. Structured right, employers can skim a 3-4 page resume as fast or faster than a tightly spaced 1-page resume.


It’s the content and layout of the resume, not the length.






Thomas H Applicant

(Skip actual address)

Seattle, WA 98001

123-456-0789 (Direct Office)

234-567-8901 Cell

345-678-9012 Home
LinkedIn Profile


Give employers as many ways to reach you as practical.


Objective: AGM for a full-service upscale hotel.


Employers expect career seekers to know what they are looking for…specifically. If the position you have applied for is not an AGM, the employer will know you are willing to consider a slightly different opportunity. If your resume stands out, employers will reach out and ask if you would consider a different position.


Can you list 2-3 positions you would consider? Why would you want to?

You have reviewed your resume to make sure your accomplishments address the position you are applying for to improve the odds the employer will call you. If this position is different from the last position you applied to, make the change in your objective.


3-5 Year Goal: GM at a smaller hotel within 3 years, and 300+ rooms within 5.

To prepare myself I started as Housekeeping Manager, progressed to FO Manager, then Restaurant Manager, Banquet Director (handling Catering and Groups to 300 and up to 5 functions simultaneously.) Then promoted to my current F&B Director position. Now I’m ready for the next step to increase my knowledge of revenue management, sales, and overall operations.


Benefit from my Rooms and F& B Director experience with Westin, Hilton, and Sheraton hotels from 178-330 rooms.  Consistently exceed revenue and profit projections and come under budget. I have promoted 11 managers and 23 hourly employees to line supervisors.


These paragraphs demonstrate to any employer that you plan your career. Listing your positions demonstrates your understanding of operations. The benefits paragraph identifies brands of hotels and room range. The last 2 sentences show you know how to drive revenues and flow them to the bottom line. Last that you develop employees.


Your Objective and 3-5 Year Goals immediately differentiate you from other candidates. They give employers a strong incentive to read your resume carefully.




12/16-Present:                 F&B Director, Westin Hotel, Anyplace, USA. (XYZ Management Group Ltd.) 330 rooms with 35,000 square feet of
                                         meeting space. F&B volume of $5.2 MM.


Exceeded revenue and profit goals every year. F&B revenue increased 22% in 2016, 17% in 2017, and 14% in 2018.  78% flow-through on increased revenues over the last 2 years.


Key Accomplishments:

  • Adjusted outlet menu and labor hours to improve margins 7% year-over-year. Adjusted banquet menus and portions to increase flow through 5% year-over-year.


  • Wine Steward introduced wine tastings with meals to increase dinner spend. Stocked wines in the gift shop to increase beverage sales. Result: Wine sales up to $102,000.

  • Eliminated 5 management positions by dividing jobs and providing training to enable shift supervisors to take on more.

  • Improved guest comment scores in F&B each year.

  • Increased catering social business over $100,000 each year to supplement revenues from traditional group business.

Note: Keep Accomplishments to a maximum of 3 lines. Use numbers or percentages to catch employers attention.


 Skim your own accomplishments quickly.  Do certain things grab your attention? If so, they are working. If not, refine them. Your objective is to get an employer thinking about how you could do the same for them.


Numbers/percentages carry more weight than just words.


Note that these accomplishments are written to protect your employers confidential financial information.


3-4 accomplishments for your last 3 positions is enough. Employers are interested in what you have done in the last 10 years.



9/13-12/16                        9/15-12/16 Promoted to F&B Director, Hilton, someplace, USA  200 room hotel doing $2.7 MM in F&B volume.
                                          15,000 sq ft of meeting space. Increased F&B revenue at least $200,000 each year.


Key Accomplishments:

  • Introduced new menus in outlet that streamlined food inventory, created fun, moderately priced entrees. Outlet sales up 32%. Flow through: 52%

  • Captured an additional 11% of hotel guests for breakfast and 14% for dinner.

  • Increased group F&B revenues year over year by over $150,000.


  • Promoted EC to a larger property in the company and promoted Sous Chef to EC. Promoted 4 hourly employees to Cooks. Two of them are now Sous Chefs at other company operated hotels.


9/13-9/15 Director Banquets. Hilton Someplace, USA. Same hotel as above. Started cross-training, initially as Restaurant Manager. Promoted after 2 months to Director Banquets.


Key Accomplishments:

  • Took lead role in developing budget and projections last 2 years.

  • Coached by excellent F&B Director who taught me the finer points to successfully manage and build a business in F&B.


7/2011-9/2013                 Housekeeping Manager (3 mo) then promoted to FO Manager, Sheraton Hotel, Someplace Else, WA.
                                         (ABC Management Co.)

178 room hotel.

Key Accomplishments:

  • Learned how to coach and mentor employees instead of directing them.

  • Trained employees and lead team in up-selling when in FO Manager position. Revenue from up-selling was at all time high and all flowed to the bottom line.

  • Worked closely with Sales and F&B to help generate additional sales for those two Departments. Increased reservations for the restaurant from Front Desk by $2,200 per week last year.

  • ADR increased by $7 last year. Commanded 117% of market share. The rooms profit percentage was highest in 10-year history of the hotel.



6/2009-7/2011                 FO Manager, Homewood Suites, Anyplace, USA.  Started career on Front Desk, then rotated through Housekeeping
                                         and Sales. Promoted to FO Manager after one year.


Should you include your experience more than 10 years back? There are differing opinions. We suggest including them. If it is just 4-5 other positions list dates, title, property name and location. If you have 20-30 years of experience then summarize your earlier experience in a paragraph or two.


What should you do if your resume shows a lot of turnover? In recent years, many hotels are being sold, or acquiring new management companies, resulting in frequent layoffs and reductions in staff. Has this happened to you? If so:   for those positions include: Reason Left:

(then include what happened in 2-3 lines.) When employers see at least some of your movement has been beyond your control they are more apt to consider you.


Optional Sections: Comments further down.


Personal:                            DOB 12/12/86. Married 9 years. One child. 6’, 185#, Excellent health. Enjoy walking, reading, and working.


Professional Affiliations:










Why is this resume format effective?


It is based on studies of resumes of hospitality applicants who were interviewed and received job offers.


The format is reviewed quarterly.


Objective and Goals: Clearly states position desired. Shows quality level of experience listing hotel brands. This section attracts the attention of decision makers.  Differentiates you.


Experience:  Resume goes immediately from Objective to Experience. That’s what a prospective employer wants to know next.


The first paragraph for each position listed identifies the position, name, location and size of hotel, plus name of management company/chain,(if there is one.) Then a revenue and the bottom line that resulted in this position (include for at least the first 3 positions listed.)


F&B Director, Westin Hotel, Anyplace, USA.  330 rooms with 35,000 square feet of meeting space. F&B volume of $5.2 MM.


Exceeded revenue and profit goals 2006-2007. F&B revenue dropped 22% in 2008, but F&B profits only dropped 5%.


Note the information about the hotel or company is very short and concise.  Extra space between lines makes information stand out.


Next are Key Accomplishments.


  • Keep each accomplishment short.


  • Separate each accomplishment by a space.


  • Potential employers rarely spend more than 10-20 seconds on a resume the first time through. Think about your own experience with a stack of resumes. The first step is sorting the resumes into those that will be read carefully. Mentally discarding the rest.

    Accomplishments in this resume makes HR Recruiter or HR Director look good. It provides information the Department has asked for. You’ve made their job easier. When it gets to decision maker your information will hold their interest.


  • Short statements and lots of white space enable employers to instantly see the most important words, phrases, and numbers in your accomplishments. All they have to see are 3-4 things that are important to them to know this resume deserves careful reading.



Next is Education  Include formal education and professional/technical programs you have attended. Employers looking for career seekers want people who are continually learning.


There are several sections of a resume that are optional.


Should you include Personal information? That’s up to you. Human beings, by nature, are curious. Potential employers often like to talk about your hobbies, especially if the interviewer enjoys the same activities.


Include outside interests…unless they are highly dangerous. If you love to skydive, parasail, race motorcycles, or participate in extreme sports, leave them off your resume. Employers hesitate when employees have hobbies that can easily result in death during off hours. If the employer tells you about their hobbies that are similar, then feel free to talk about yours.


How about Professional or Civic Affiliations? Fine to mention as long as there are not too many. When an employer sees a long list of current affiliations, the employer can’t help but wonder when the person has time to work. Employers want to see candidates that know how to balance their professional and personal lives.


Military experience certainly demonstrates the commitment to our country. Peace Corp experience or similar experience demonstrates a commitment to mankind. The majority of employers view these experiences positively. People learn discipline and have the opportunity to become leaders while serving.


Skills. A few years ago, listing skills was all the rage as employers tried to use computer systems to think for them. Now employers are much more interested in how people apply their skills. The great majority of employers tell us they skip over the Skills section in resumes. That means that if you include Skills you want it at the very end of your resume.


Summary. Again, employers tell us they skip Summaries. Why? The majority of Summary sections don’t provide employers meaningful information. Anyone hiring people knows about the position. They want to know about accomplishments that qualify you for the position.


To sum up


  • Remember, the objective of your resume is to get the employer to pick up the phone and call you.


  • Make it easy for them by surrounding each piece of key information with white space.


  •  This sample resume could easily be shortened to 2 pages, but it would not be easy to skim or read.


  • Easy to read, is more important than the length of the resume. 4 pages, well laid out is better than 1 page crammed together.


  • Make sure your accomplishments will be supported by your references.


  • Be prepared to explain the “what and how” for each accomplishment.

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Sample Resume

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